Today has probably been the most positive out of any of my summer days. I woke up, went to class and finished ALL 19 of my quizzes. Now all i have to get through is my final tomorrow and bye bye summer school!
This leads to my next point, I got a call from a certain restaurant today......and they want me as their hostess! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEp! (that was my joyous screech)
I'm stoked off my entire ass for this job *grooves
after that best news, I went swimming with my little brother at our community pool. As he was swimming with his friends, one of his friend's cousin starts talking to me. She was really nice and friendly and apparently was visiting California from HOLLAND. I was amazed. She told me how legal age in Holland was 16 and how it sucked being 20 in the states and also how she could speak dutch! it was cool lol
After the pool i started getting ready to see my college friends! :D some of them are even from San Diego, and I haven't seen them since school ended, so i was really anxious to see them
We meet up at the Americana, where we shop around and watch the fountain show haha
We then go to City Walk where we take pictures with a giant shrimp at Bubba Gumps and teenage girls take pics with my talented youtube-star friend,
Mark Mejia hah
We eat at Wolfgang Puck for nom piiiizzzzzzaaaaaa which was half off so it was kinda awesome ^.^
next comes the RANDOMEST but most fun part of the night...We go into Saddle Ranch which is a restaurant...which apparently was holding its Karaoke Night...and apparently had people there who were celebrating..something lol idk (most likely a birthday) but anyway, me and my friends all agreed that Mark Mejia show off his skills. So we tell him to just DGAF life and go up on the stage, infront of the drunk partiers and sing YEAH 3X hahahaha So After several performances by intoxicated birthday celebrants, Mark finally was called up and we all fist pumped to his extravagant voice as he sang Chris Brown's lyrics LOL
it was so fun and i love my college friends!! It's so different being apart from them but when we're all together again it's like nothing has's funny how it works that way but yes, tonight was definitely fun AF! *smiles forever |
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