Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

So I've been thinking...

maybe i should move to Hawaii in the future and live the simple life

where you go to the market that sells fruit outside and shop with a basket.
and just sit on the beach and watch the waves all day then witness the sunset

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

i really would like to experience this someday

if i have to be perfectly honest...

i dont know how to feel anymore. has all been thrown away?
should i feel hurt? should i feel comfortable? should i feel apathetic? should i feel dignified? independent? selfish? lonely? sad? angry? bitter? jealous? happy?

the truth is, i feel none of that.
emotions gone haywire.

be as

classy and genuine


i hope someday me and another would be able to settle and have authentic food at authentic food joints

i like this


Sunday, October 24, 2010

big city dreams

i want to live in Vancouver or LA or SF or BOSTON
i want the city life.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Bio vs. Behavioral/ Social Science Degree

PROS for Bio:
Can become an optometrist faster
graduate school area: Back bay Boston..AMAZING
highly demanded profession
earns a lot of money
highly respected profession
graduate schools last 4 years of study
options to travel and practice abroad

A LOT of prerequisites have to be done in undergrad school
TOO MUCH MONEY: cost of education, travel, living

If i study Behavioral Sciences:
can become a professional in Human Resources for a company etc
STILL can go to graduate school
earns good amount of money
high demand for profession
studies can be done in 4 years
do not need graduate school
OVERALL CHEAPER education/studies wise

this is such a hard decision because they are both very distinct professions,
one involves MEDICAL and the other HUMANITIES
and i am passionate about both.
plus, as of now i am attending a UC which is a great opportunity, yet it is very so costly...
i feel like i can achieve anything and  become successful anywhere but if i choose one, one will require giving up going to a UC...

this is a hard decision and once my freshman year of college is over, the decision will have to be made...
any words of enlightment? message me on facebook or call me..anything! this is all i have been thinking about lately

Monday, September 6, 2010


Rainbow Rings <3

Fall yo

i cannot wait to wear my yellow circle scarf, my glorious workman boots, and my pride and joy utility jacket that i snagged from the Thrift store. Autumn, i am waiting for your sweet arrival

Thursday, August 12, 2010



Sunday, August 8, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010


bag. shoes.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Tyler the Creator

i like the beat in the back..it reminds me of authentic black and white detective films

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010

Few things

Great advertisement

Dallas Green

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

authentiCITY and simpliCITY

On Memorial Day weekend i went to the city of Avalon on Catalina Island for the first time. The city was both authentic and simple which are two qualities i admire. and to think the only thing i said about it at first was that it was "cool"... I had SO much fun in the quaint little town with one of my favorite families ;)
i would definitely go back

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

It's been a while...

since i've embraced the artistic, right side of my brain..yesterday my day consisted of sketching and playing the guitar..
yes. i draw and yes. i play the guitar but i am only a n00b at it haha..
i love art and acoustics..there is a lot one would not know about me.. and the thing is, they will never completely know or understand either... hmm..

anyway, i almost got this full song down

so classic.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

i do what i WANT

Doc martens

Alexandra Cassaniti Face It Sunglasses

Monday, May 10, 2010


So he's one of the reasons i applied to UC Davis.....

hahaha ;P

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A. Wang and more music

these are pretty cool..Alexander Wang is tight.

hXc ...lol

ALSO ive become intrigued with this guy and this guy

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I listen to them before i sleep.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Kick'n it Old School

Speaking of KICKS..i want Nikes..
but speaking of OLD SCHOOL...in 7TH GRADE i used to listen to these girls and to this day, i still am fond of their music

OH and speaking of 7th grade..its my 7th grade sister's birthday today..welcome to teen-hood Lea!

Monday, May 3, 2010


I dont care what anyone says, I love the LA Lakers. and i would KILL to meet them all, especially Pau Gasol his face was priceless after that play haha

Saturday, May 1, 2010

My Weed

Tazo Green Tea - Zen

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Way Too Good

There is no doubt that I have the best people i could ever ask for in my life. I was so unbelievably spoiled today and was treated like royalty, my goodness. I can't thank everyone enough. I really can't. I love my friends and family so much. I love my 18th birthday. I will post pictures of this eventful day very soon...even though I would never want this day to end, I'm going to have to call it. It was extraordinary for sure and I had a WAY more than Happy Birthday, I'm so grateful ;)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mixtapes' Biggest Fan

I am a big fan of mixtapes, yes.
Download PacDiv
"Don't Mention It"


So for a while now I've been making headbands [yes hand-made ;)] and i found that this blog was a perfect source of advertisement

for 5-10 DOLLAS you can purchase a hand-crafted headband by yours truely x)
please contact me via facebook or email or txt ,if you know me personally, if you want me to make you one or have any questions whatsoever!

The flower for this one was actuallly a pin. I decided it would be better as a headpiece ;P

PSHAHA so i tried being a model for it and that didnt work out...i should take volunteers lol

Monday, April 26, 2010


Oh and this song has definitely been replaying in my head the whole day...


So I've always tried to start this mini trend of wearing mis-matched stud earrings..and what do ya know.. FOREVER 21 is now selling them! my fashion idea wasnt so ridiculous after all =o

Oxfords..Some people call them bowling shoes..i call them STEEZ

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Street Art of the Day

Street Art of the Day: Banksy hits the streets of San Francisco for the second time in as many days with a clever new piece on Valencia Street that appears to reference the now-infamous theft of his “Cop with Koons Dog” stencil.

I've always been a fan of Banksy and with his new film out Exit Through The Gift Shop he is getting more and more notorious. I have a funny story actually, I went all the way to Hollywood to watch the film and turns out i miss the showing time by a hair! I dragged my friend Kevin too..so im sorry Kevin! but anyway..i heard it was a great experience to watch and i am probably jealous of all you who got the chance to watch it. Instead i watched KICK ASS that night and well..it was much more intense than i thought it would be! My goal is to be as bad ass as Hit Girl.

My kind of music

So if someone were to explore my ipod, they would most likely go WTF.
Heres the thing, my music is made up of mostly Hip Hop, Indie, Electro and classics. However, that's not all i'm into! Believe it or not i dig most of the catchy maintstream shinanogans. i LOVE acoustics..DISNEY EVEN..my taste for music is just very versatile and I don't know if anyone will ever understand it. But hey, its whatever i can get into..
RIGHT NOW im liking the Jazz Hop
most people i know aren't so into it, just because there are no lyrics and they usually go WHATS UP WITH THE ELEVATOR MUSIC..but like i said..if this is considered elevator music then so be it! It is my type of music ;)


My spring break this year was not your typical "sunny beach party-type" spring break. My full week of vacation was mainly a road trip to Vancouver. On our way we made several stops at the most random places, I've never seen or heard of before. One of which was Seaside Oregon; that place was a mix of farmland and harbor. But, i would say the resort we stayed at for a night there was quite pleasant. This was the view from the balcony:

The Oregon Coast.

We also visited The Grotto
for Easter Sunday and it was beautiful.

FINALLY THOUGH, after several other stops, like Seattle Washington, we made it through the border and entered the land of Canada. There we spent time with cousins and viewed a majority of the Olympic sights. We also visited different parts of Vancouver such as Richmond (Canadas China town) and The Capilano Bridge
we definitely fit in an abumndance of things in one small week but overall, it was a nice break from reality :)

Here are more pictures of the fascinating downtown Vancouver and Richmond and Olympic sights:

Asian Market

me in the city, i love the sky scrapers :P

haha Drake St. ...btw Drake IS from Canada lol x)

here is how most of the architecture looks like in Vancouver. these are most likely appartments. i would loove to live in one ^_^

the Olympic Torch!

Outside the Olympic Oval, where the speed skating was held

inside the Olympic Oval


appreciating olympic art

Langley, where my cousins live

Yes, it's pretty cool being a Canadian ;P